Constitution & Bylaws

Constitution of the Aeronautical Center Employees Association


Name: The Name of this non-profit organization shall be Aeronautical Center Employees Association. 

Background: FAPM Letter 735-1, is authority for the existence of an Employees Association. 

Authority: This constitution and by-laws govern operations, define responsibilities, limit activities, and define authority of the association.



To promote moral, recreational, social, and educational activities.
To arrange for the purchase of goods and/or services for the benefit of members.
To provide a practical method of developing leadership and cooperativeness through service as a committee member or duly elected officer of this Association.


Membership: All matters pertaining to membership in the Association such as types, limitations, restrictions, dues, etc., shall be established in accordance with the provisions set forth under the by-laws.


Administration: The affairs and business of this Club shall be administered by a Board of Directors and by its officers, as defined and detailed under the by-laws. 

The Board of Directors shall be composed of the officers of the Club and one representative from each authorized unit as set forth in the bylaws, whose election and term of office shall be established under the bylaws. 

The officer of the Club, whose number, titles, an duties are to be established under the provision of the bylaws, shall include a President, one Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, which comprises the Association’s Executive Board.


Amendments: This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Members, provided that the proposed amendment(s), along with a statement as to the time, place, and manner of voting, has been advertised throughout the Aeronautical Center at least two weeks prior to the vote. The Board of Directors or designated committee shall determine the time, place, and manner of voting. 

Amendments of this Constitution may be submitted to the members by the Board of Directors, and shall be submitted to the members upon the submission of a petition therefore signed by fifty (50) members setting forth the proposed amendments.

Bylaws to the Constitution of the
Aeronautical Center Employees Association



Section l.  All membership in the Association shall be either active membership or associate membership. 

Section 2.  Active membership shall be available to: 

a.  Permanent full-time federal employees whose official work is performed at the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center. 

b.  Permanent or semi-permanent non-federal Aeronautical Center employee whose official work is performed at the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center and is in direct support of the Aeronautical Center’s mission or personnel.

Section 3.  Associate membership shall be available to the following categories:

a.  Federal employees (students and others) whose official place of employment is elsewhere and are assigned temporary duty at the Aeronautical Center.

b.  FAA employees whose official place of employment is in the Oklahoma City metropolitan area and not at the Aeronautical Center.

c.  Retirees from the Aeronautical Center with three (3) or more years active membership in the association immediately prior to retirement.

d.  National Weather Service employees permanently assigned to the Oklahoma City area. 

Section 4.  No person whose membership falls under the definition of associate membership as defined herein shall exercise any rights in elections. 

Section 5.  Every member of this Association shall pay dues as prescribed under the Bylaws of this Association except for past presidents and salaried employees of the Association who shall be exempt from payment of dues. 

Section 6.  Membership will automatically cease, when a member is no longer qualified as defined above. 

Section 7.  Membership will automatically cease, without recourse, to any benefits that may be derived by virtue of being a member of this Association, when a member no longer qualified as defined above. 

Section 8.  The right to membership shall be available regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, reprisal, and sexual orientation.



Dues shall become due and payable January 1 of each year, or upon entrance into employment at the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center. Each member, whether active or an associate, shall be assessed membership dues once during the calendar year. The amount of dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors prior to October 15 of each year.



Section l. The offices of this Association shall be a President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Third Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. In the event of the absence of both the Present and the First Vice-President, without delegated authority from either, the Second and Third Vice-President, in order, shall act as President. The President, Third Vice-President and Secretary shall be elected bi-annually in October of odd years in accordance with Article VI, shall have a current membership in the Association and shall hold office beginning January after the election for two (2) years or until their successors have been installed. The First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, and Treasurer shall be elected bi-annually in October of even years and in accordance with Article VI shall have a current membership in the Association and shall hold office beginning January after the election for two (2) years or until their successors have been installed. 

a.  The President is the chief executive officer of the Association. The President shall preside at all meetings of the members and Board of Directors and shall perform duties as required that pertain to the position.

b.  The First Vice-President shall have and exercise all the powers, authority, and duties of the President during his/her absence. In the event of the resignation of the President, the First Vice-President shall succeed to the Office of President with full right and power. The First Vice-President shall assist in the administration of Association business as directed by the President and serve as Bookstore manager and Social Coordinator/Chairman of any appointed Bookstore or Social Committees.

c.  The Second Vice President shall serve as Coordinator/Chairman of any appointed Nominating or Membership Committees. The Second Vice President shall have charge of membership campaigns, including the development of procedures for the issuance of membership cards, supervise the preparation of ballots for elections, the receiving of completed ballots, and the election counting (except when running for re-election). This position is also responsible for the collection and balancing of monies in the dues collection process.

d.  The Third Vice-President shall serve as Vending manager and Coordinator/Chairman of any appointed Employee Services Committees and shall monitor all business with commercial firms supplying merchandise for sale by the Association. This includes such matters as candy, tickets, decals, etc. The Third Vice-President will conduct all inquiries of merchants on discount prices available to Association members; and prepare lists of participating merchants to the members.

e.  The Secretary shall be responsible for the record of all meetings, and official actions of the Board of Directors and for the current list of Special Rules and Policies. The Secretary shall file and maintain the original copy of the minutes of each meeting of the Board and shall distribute a copy of the minutes to all officers and representatives within ten (10) calendar days of the meeting. The Secretary shall be responsible for reproducing and distributing a copy of the Constitution and by-laws to all incoming Board members prior to their first meeting. The Secretary shall be responsible for the safe keeping of the Corporate Seal.

f.  The Treasurer shall have experience and educational background in accounting work and principles of accounting. The Treasurer shall oversee all financial record keeping and reporting done by the heretofore-salaried Bookstore Administrator. The Treasurer shall evaluate the monthly financial statements prepared by the Bookstore Administrator, and submit to the Board on a monthly basis. The Treasure shall prepare and submit an annual budget to the Board at the November monthly meeting, which shall be based on the previous year’s expenditures and income. The Treasurer will prepare all monthly, quarterly, and yearly tax reports and federal and state returns. All obligations of the Association shall be co-signed by the President and Treasurer, with the Vice-Presidents serving as alternates. 

Section 2. Representatives and Alternates shall be elected annually in October in accordance with Article VI and shall have a current membership in the Association. Elected representatives and alternates shall hold office, beginning January 1, for one (1) year and until their successors have been elected. Should circumstances require a resignation by a representative prior to the close of the annual term, the alternate shall become the representative for the un-expired term and member having obtained next highest number of votes during the November election shall become alternate for the remaining period of the un-expired term. Should this member not desire to be the representative, Second Vice President, with the approval of the Board of Directors, shall appoint an active member to complete the un-expired term. 

It shall he the duty of representatives and alternates to disseminate information, to aid in membership drives, to assist in the collection of annual dues, to inform new employees to advantages of Association membership and to serve in other matters requiring communications between the Board and Association Members. Elected representative are expected to serve on standing committees (Article VI, section 1) and actively participate in the governing process of the Association. 



Section 1. The Board of Directors shall be elected as provided in Article V and shall consist of the elected officers and representatives with the President as the Chairman. 

Section 2. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at least once each month at such time and place as determined by the President. The President, or in the President's absence, the Vice President, may call a special meeting of the Board of Directors at any time, and shall do so on the written request of any four (4) directors. 

Section 3. The Board of Directors shall have the general direction and control of the affairs of this Association. The Board of Directors shall: 

a.  Decide upon the general policies of the Association.
b.  Fill vacancies in any office other than that of President for the un-expired portion of the term or when any newly elected representative, alternate, or officer fails to assume office following an election.
c.  Designate the bank or banks in which funds of the Association shall be deposited.
d.  Determine who should be bonded, fix the amount and character of any approved surety bonds required of any officer having custody of funds, and may authorize the premium or premiums therefore by the Association.
e.  Approve in advance all expenditures in excess of $200. The Board of Directors may expend amounts of $200 or less without prior approval if approved by the Treasurer and President or Acting President. The Treasurer shall be kept informed of these expenditures and shall inform the Board of each transaction(s) at the next Board meeting. 

Section 4. At any monthly or special meeting of the Board of Directors, two-thirds of its members shall constitute a quorum (officers plus representatives times 67%). The alternate may attend meetings of the Board, but shall not have a vote in its proceedings nor serve to constitute a quorum, except in the absence of the representative. In the event that neither the representative nor the alternate can attend a meeting, the representative or alternate may designate a proxy who shall act in the capacity as representative for that meeting.



Section 1. The nomination of candidates and the election of officers are to be conducted in the following manner: 

a.  The Second Vice President shall form a committee of at least 3 members to serve as a Nominating Committee. Not more than one employee of any single Branch may serve on the Nominating Committee. The Second Vice President shall publish a notice to all Association members, in the manner prescribed in Article V, Section 1, paragraph "g", the names of the Nominating Committee, the date of the election, and advise members of their right to nominate candidates, as provided for in Article V, Section 1, paragraphs "c" and "e".

b.  It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to receive nominations from Association members and to submit a consolidated list of candidates for each office to the Second Vice-President not later than October 15. The Nominating Committee shall strive to receive not less than two candidates for any offices. If a member is nominated for more than one office, the Nomination Committee shall ascertain the office of the member's choice and shall include the member's name as a candidate for that office only. If the member refuses to make a choice, that member's name shall be stricken from all ballots prior to the election. It is the responsibility of the Nominating Committee to determine that each candidate for office shall serve, if elected.

c.  Any Association member or group of members may nominate a candidate or themselves for any office to be filled at the annual elections by giving a notice of ‘intent to run and serve’ to any member of the Nominating Committee after the Second Vice President has made public announcement of the names of the Nominating Committee. Nominations received after the published deadline shall not be considered unless there are less than 2 names on the ballot. Nominations may only be accepted until ballots are published.

d.  After receiving the list of candidates from the Nominating Committee, the Second Vice-President shall publish the names in the manner prescribed in Article V, Section 1, and paragraph “g”.

e.  The election shall be by ballot and shall be held not later than October 31. Ballots shall be published and distributed for a period of at least two weeks. The salaried Secretary shall distribute ballots to all members with a return envelope inscribed with the Employee Association address. Voting members are not required to sign their ballot; however the ballot must be returned to the Employees Association office in the return envelope provided. The return envelope must contain one ballot and must be received no later than the time stated on the ballot. The salaried Secretary shall be the custodian of the ballots for the Nominating Committee. The Second Vice-President assisted by the Association officers shall supervise the election and the counting of votes, unless they are running for office. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. The salaried Secretary shall notify each candidate in writing of the election results. In the event of a tie, a run-off election shall be held no later than December 15 between the tied candidates.

f.  The candidates elected in accordance with these By Law shall take office effective January 1, and serve for a period of two (2) years unless circumstances warrant termination at an earlier date in which event vacancy shall be filled as authorized under Article IV, Section 3, paragraph b.

g.  It is intended that information pertaining to annual elections shall be made available to as many Association members as possible. The minimum publicity requirement under the provisions of this Section shall be released through the Aeronautical Center mail and messenger service in the form of a bulletin with a minimum of copies distributed that is equal to the number of employees on the payroll at the time, or be published in an Aeronautical Center news media distributed to all employees. 

Section 2. Nomination and election of the Representatives and Alternates for each year shall be as follows: 

a.  On or before October 31 an election of Representative and Alternates for each unit as defined in Article IV, Section 1, paragraph "b' shall be held. Each unit shall elect by popular vote of its members a Representative and Alternate.

1.  Representatives and Alternates shall be elected from units defined below:
2.  A representative unit shall consist of approximately 200 employees.
3.  Where organizational strength is less than 200 authorized positions, such organizations will be logically combined wherever feasible in order to approach the unit strength.

b.  Prior to the annual election of Representatives and Alternates, the Membership Committee shall revise the distribution of units into conformance with the latest authorized staffing. Following Board approval, the revised list, which shall serve as the basis for the election, shall he retained by the salaried Secretary as a part of the official Association records.

c.  Prior to September 10, the Nominating Committee shall develop a list of three (3) or more candidates for the election of Representatives and their Alternates for each unit established under Article VI, Section 2, and paragraph "b". The primary reliance for nominations being placed in nominations by individual members. In addition, the Committee shall add to the list of candidates the name of any member supported by a petition signed by ten (10) or more Association members employed within the representative unit of the member nominated. It is the responsibility of the Nominating Committee to insure that each candidacy on the list has the concurrence of the individual involved. Based upon this list of candidates, the Nominating Committee shall be responsible for the preparation of the ballots. The salaried Secretary will distribute the proper ballots to all members with a return envelope inscribed with the Employee Association address. The proper ballot will consist of a list of candidates running for office and a list of candidates running for Representative in the member unit. Individual voting members are not required to sign their ballot nor the return envelope; however, the ballot must be returned to the Employees Association in the return envelope provided and must be received no later than the time stated on the ballot.  The return envelope must contain only one ballot.  The salaried Secretary shall be the custodian of the ballots for the Nominating Committee. The Second Vice-President assisted by the Nominating Committee shall supervise the election and the counting of votes, unless they are running for office. The Nominating Committee shall throw out any ballots considered mutilated. Any ballot that has been marked for more than one candidate or submitted in an envelope other than the one provided with the ballot, shall be considered mutilated. The member receiving the largest number of votes shall be the Representative and the runner-up shall be the Alternate. The salaried Secretary shall notify each candidate, in writing, of the election results. In the event of a tie, a run-off election shall be held no later than November 15 between the candidates so tied.

d.  The Director of the Aeronautical Center will have the Privilege of appointing an individual to serve as a Liaison between the Association and management. This individual shall serve in an advisory capacity and have the right to attend all Board meetings, but the liaison's presence shall not count toward obtaining a quorum, nor shall the liaison be allowed to exercise a vote to pass or defeat any proposition before the Board of Directors.



Section 1.  Committees: 

a.  Social Committee
b.  Contract Service Committee
c.  Membership  Committee
d.  Recreation Committee
e.  Employee Service Committee
f.  Bookstore Committee
g.  Planning Committee
h.  Wiretap Committee
i.  Constitution  Committee
j.  Athletics Committee
k.  Nominating Committee 

Section 2. The standing committees and any other committees that are considered necessary by the Board of Directors shall be appointed annually by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors as provided in the by-laws. 

Section 3. For each standing committee, except the Planning Committee and Wiretap Committee, a member of the Board of Directors shall serve as chairman. Committee members must be members of the Association in good standing but are not required to be members of the Board. Committees shall be under the general direction and control of the Board of Directors. Any expenditures of funds involved in Committee activities must receive the approval of the Board. All committees shall maintain a written record of its experiences in a manner prescribed by the Board of Directors (The intent of this requirement is to provide helpful information for future committees based on the experience of past committees). 

Section 4. The standing committees shall be assembled with duties and responsibilities as follows: 

a.  The Social Committee shall plan and coordinate social events such as dances, picnics, excursions, etc. sponsored for and by the Association.

b.  The Contract Service Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members with the Vending Manager automatically appointed as Chairman. The Committee shall transact and supervise all activities devoted to contracts with vending firms for the welfare of Association members.

c.  The Membership Committee shall supervise the membership drive, organize and conduct all Association drawings, and shall be responsible for organizing and revising the equitable distribution of representatives.

d.  (This item needs to be deleted) The Recreation Area Committee shall plan and coordinate recreational projects and activities.

e.  The Employee Service Committee shall supervise activities devoted to the general welfare of Association members and activities that primarily provide a service to Association members. Examples: Sale of candy, tickets, etc.

f.  The Bookstore Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members with the Bookstore Manager as Chairman. The Committee shall monitor bookstore activities and meet at least quarterly to oversee operations. This committee shall be responsible for organizing, revising, and maintaining Bookstore Operating Policy, Rules, and Position Descriptions that shall be approved by the Board and retained as part of the official Association records. The Committee shall coordinate and oversee the annual inventory of the bookstore, which shall be retained as part of the official Association records.

g.  The Planning Committee shall consist of two (2) members of the Board and at least three other members, one of which shall he the immediate Past President, who shall serve as Chairman (if Past President is not available, then the immediate Past Vice- President selected by the Board of Directors shall serve as Chairman). This Committee shall formulate the long-range plans for Association activities and shall be responsible for interviewing the previous Board and securing a list of all Association activities during the past year. The Committee shall endeavor to insure a successful program that is properly scheduled. The Committee shall study all requests received from Association members and make recommendations to the Board of Directors concerning action to be taken and shall advise the Board on possible costs and employee interest in contemplated programs. The Committee shall review surety bonds and job descriptions for adequacy and make necessary recommendations to the Board to implement a successful program. The Committee with the Board of Directors approval will recommend leave policy, review job descriptions and submit employment recommendations for all salaried officials.

h.  The Wiretap Committee shall consist of at least four members, two of these to be the News Editor (who is automatically appointed as Chairman) and the Layout Editor. The Committee shall be responsible for issuing the employee newspaper known as the “Wiretap” and shall provide guidelines for material submitted for publication in the Wiretap.

i.  The Constitution Committee shall consist of at least three members. One member of the Board shall be designated by the President to serve as Chairman. The Committee shall be responsible for advising the Board of constitutional matters, enforcing compliance with Association regulations, and the study of the constitution with recommendations for changes.

j.  The Athletics Committee shall consist of one participant from each sport engaged in by members of the Association and shall be designated by the President to serve as Chairman. The Committee shall be responsible for supervision and planning of all Association recognized athletic activities. Sub-committees to manage the affairs of the respective major sports, may be appointed, the membership thereof to be selected by those engaged in each sport, subject to the approval of the Athletic Committee Chairman.

k.  The Nominating Committee shall consist of three Association members selected by the President and approved by a majority of the Board of Directors. The Second Vice-President shall be designated by the President to serve as Chairman. The Nominating Committee is responsible for the nomination of Association members to serve as officers and representatives/alternates for the Aeronautical Center Employees Association and to submit a consolidated list of candidates for each office to the Second Vice-President not later than September 10 as provided for in Article VI, Section 1, paragraph “a” and “b” and Section 2, paragraph “c”. It is the responsibility of the Nominating Committee to throw out any ballots considered mutilated.



Section 1. The Special Rules and Policies of the Aeronautical Center Employees Association shall contain governing matters approved by the Board of Directors which need not be a part of the Constitution and By-Laws. The salaried Secretary shall be custodian and maintain a necessary file for the use of the Officers and Board Members at any time.

Section 2. The Standing Special Rules and Policies are the following:

a.  The Apportionment Report
b.  Election Results
c.  Budget
d.  Monthly Financial Reports
e.  Contract Service Committee Report Salaried Employees' Leave Policy
f.  Salaried Employees' Job Descriptions
g.  Bookstore Operating Rules and Policy
h.  Bookstore Inventory Report
i.  Wiretap Operating Rules and Policy 

Section 3. Contents of Standing Special Rules and Policies may be altered at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Additional Special Rules and Policies may be added, deleted, or altered as the Board of Directors directs. The Special Rules and Policies may be altered by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members of the Board of Directors (elected officers plus elected representatives)



Section 1. The Employees Association shall employ salaried employees as necessary to carry out budgeted programs. Salaries and work hours will be set by the Board of Directors and shall be reviewed in the last scheduled meeting of each calendar year for possible adjustment. The starting salaries shall be determined prior to employment and shall be set by the Board in accordance with the experience and qualifications of the prospective employee to perform the assigned task. The Planning Committee shall submit employment recommendations and job descriptions (that detail the basic responsibilities as set forth in these By-Laws) for the Board of Directors’ approval. Salaried employees shall not be eligible for prizes of Association drawings. 

Section 2. The Leave Policy shall be recommended by the Planning Committee, approved by the Board of Directors, and retained as part of the official Association records. Leave requests by salaried employees will be submitted and approved to designated Executive Board members. 

Section 3. Salaried employees will abide by the job descriptions contained in attachment A.



Section 1. No member of the Aeronautical Center Employees Association shall have any vested rights in any of the assets of the Association by virtue of his membership.

Section 2. Upon liquidation of said Association, all assets remaining shall be disposed of as determined by members of the Association.



Section 1. Amendments to these By-Laws may be made by the affirmative vote of three-fourths of the -members of the Board of Directors, provided at least one week must elapse between the submission of the proposed amendment for action and the time a vote is taken upon the amendment.

Revised August 1999 (jh)